Path 11 Productions LLC Releases Teaser Trailer with New Release Date of Beyond the Physical

PRLog (Press Release) - Nov 17, 2012 -
Catskill, NY (November 17, 2012)  Path11 Productions LLC is pleased to announce the new release date of February 11, 2013 for The Path: Beyond the Physical, the second documentary of a four part series investigating topics about out-of-body experiences, multiple-dimensions, remote viewing, psychic ability and all the realms that fall beyond outside of our physical bodies. The Path: Beyond the Physical follows the 2009 release of The Afterlife, a film produced by April Hannah, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Holistic Healing practitioner from Catskill, NY, and directed by Mike Habernig, a filmmaker from Kingston, NY.  

It has been almost two years since the original announcement of the release of this film.  The filmmakers, April Hannah and Mike Habernig originally announced the release date of Spring 2012 but they fell short of being able to produce and edit the film in that amount of time.  “The first film, The Afterlife focused on death and questioned does the soul live on once it leaves the physical body? Does consciousness continue?  The second film, Beyond the Physical is meant to pick up where The Afterlife left off and begin to explore the non-physical realms in which the human soul can tap into at any given point. The scope of BTP, is a lot larger than we had originally anticipated. Our original outline of the film was all over the place and would have been very confusing to the viewer. After re-editing the film 3 times we were finally able to narrow our focus to the key subject matter of going ‘Beyond the Physical’”, explains Habernig.

The Path: Beyond the Physical will also have an added bonus of footage that wasn’t able to make it in the film but is important enough to still be viewed.  “Back in 2009, we had taken quite a few pre-orders for Beyond the Physical.  Those customers who pre-ordered back then will receive this bonus footage complimentary in appreciation for their patience with the release of this film.  We will open up preorders again in early 2013”, explains Hannah.

“It’s been a challenge for us both mentally and professionally to have to had moved our release date. We get emails from our fans every day wondering when the film will be released. It’s great to have so much interest and enthusiasm from our viewers”, says Hannah.

Much of the second film was shot on location in Faber, Va., at the site of the Monroe Institute, an experiential retreat center founded in 1974 by groundbreaking author Robert Monroe, a pioneer in the investigation of out-of-body experiences.  All of the Path Documentary DVD Series  will be showcasing the knowledge and opinions of many experts like the former  President and Executive Director of the Monroe Institute in Faber, VA, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational and research organization dedicated to the exploration of human consciousness, which is internationally known for its work with audio sound patterns that can have dramatic effects on states of consciousness, along with leading out-of-body expert William Buhlman and nuclear physicist, noted lecturer and explorer of consciousness Thomas Campbell, from Huntsville Alabama.  Many of the experts have extensive training and knowledge in remote viewing and out-of-body traveling.  There are other experts not featured in The Path: Afterlife who were filmed during the making of the first film and will add a new perspective due to their expertise and study of metaphysics in Beyond the Physical.

The Path: Beyond the Physical is scheduled to be released February 11, 2013 and will be available from select retailers, catalog companies and directly from

About: Path11 Productions LLC, an independent production company located in Greene and Ulster County, NY which will be filming documentaries and dedicating all projects to consciousness and healing. Path11 Productions LLC was formed in 2008 and has been selling The Path: Afterlife documentary both nationally and internationally since its release in 2008.  Path11 Productions LLC has a vision to impact the world with a documentary series on consciousness, finding the soul's purpose and healing.

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