New Video Shows Complete Fat Burning System for Busy Professionals with 3 Compound Exercises

PRLog (Press Release) - Nov 17, 2012 -
Burbank, Calif. Ballistic Body Fitness a personal training and fitness company that specializes in extraordinary fitness transformations in 90 days or less, released a new video for busy professionals who want to lose weight and gain muscle tone. This video can be found below or on the the company’s most recent blog entry at

Scott Yonehiro, CEO and head trainer for Ballistic Body Fitness said, “One of the biggest complaints I get from busy professional clients is that they don’t have time to work out.  That’s why I developed this simple compound movement workout.  It uses only 3 compound movements, can be done in a rapid series, and will fit easily into the busiest schedules.”

Busy parents and professionals know the health benefits of  strength training exercise but the problem is that their family and work obligations take up so much of their time that exercising usually gets pushed aside.  As a result, they suffer from low energy, obesity, and a host of other ailments due to their lack of exercise.

You can view the video here:

A recent study done by the National Center for Health Statistics showed that 70 percent of Americans do not exercise on a regular basis.  The effects of a lack of exercise on physical fitness are well known however, there are a whole host of other possible side effects from failing to exercise.  

-The American College of Sports Medicine has found a link between lack of exercise and depression and a lower sense of well-being.

-The New York State Department of Health has shown that 35% of  heart disease deaths are due to a lack of exercise.

-Lack of exercise has also been linked to diabetes.

This short video shows the proper form and technique for three highly effective compound exercises that can be used to build muscle and shed fat fast.

“Exercise doesn’t have to be complicated,” Yonehiro said.  “If busy professionals spend 3 minutes watching this video, they can be well on the way to getting fit, losing weight and feeling better than they have in years without any interruption to their busy schedules.  And this will save them a lot of time and money in avoided health challenges down the road.”

About Ballistic Body Fitness

Balistic Body Fitness is a Burbank, CA based personal training and fitness company and home of the 90 Day Extreme Body Transformation Challenge.  They specialize in Extraordinary Fitness Transformations in 90 Days or Less, Guaranteed. Offered in both a One-on-one and small group fitness training setting.

To receive expert training on how to lose 8-15 pounds in 10 days with a free working persons detox and weight loss jump start plan you can visit:

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